加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲 G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award

SQ21的8 首入圍歌曲經已誕生,當中有你喜愛的作品嗎? 投選你的心水歌曲,便有機會贏取由加拿大芝寶靈芝送出的精美禮物。最高票數的歌曲將獲得「我最喜愛歌曲」的殊榮,得獎名單於5月26日舉行的SQ21決賽夜揭盅。

Your vote determine the winner of the “G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award”. Support your favorite by casting your vote today! Everyone who participates in the voting will enter to win a deluxe gift, sponsored by G-Way Health Centre. The song with the highest votes will be announced during the SQ21 finale on May 26, 2017.

• 每個IP地址只能投票一次 Only one vote per IP address
• 截止投票日期 Deadline for voting : 11:59pm, May 25, 2017.

試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote
試聽 Play 投票 Vote

Personal Information

加拿大中文電台將保存投票者資料作「加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲」之用。所有資料將絕對保密,並於比賽結束後銷毀。The voter’s personal information will be kept for the purpose of coordinating the " G-Way Health Centre People’s Choice Award ". All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the voting is completed.